Quote of the Day

If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.
-Oprah Winfrey

29 lessons I’ve learn in 29 years

Today November 24th is my birthday. I’ve decided to write a post about 29 things lessons that I have learned throughout my life.

  1. It doesn’t have to be perfect in the beginning just get it started
  2. You don’t live life for yourself; you live life for others
  3. Surround yourself with like minded individuals they will bring the best out of you.
  4. Save money….as much as possible
  5. Learn to forgive and let go of the past. Look forward to the future.
  6. Trust you gut when making difficult decisions.
  7. Do what you love to do for a living.
  8. Killing your clients with every workout is not the best way to keep clients around.
  9. Master the basic movements: Push, Pull, Squat, Hip Hinge, and Carry
  10. Donate and volunteer more. It is worth it.
  11. The hours that you sleep before 12 am are way better than the hours you sleep after 12am.
  12. Preparation will always lead to success. If you don’t prepare you can hope for success.
  13. Diet and proper nutrition will beat any exercise program when it comes to fat loss.
  14. People will always comment on what you are doing good or bad.
  15. Always strive to better yourself. Read a book, watch a lecture, go to a seminar.
  16.  In order to receive you must give first.
  17. People don’t care about what you do. They want to know why you do it.
  18. Smile more( my mother would always tell me that)
  19. Put 100% in everything you do.
  20. I can’t drink milk…( I’ve tried too many times)
  21. Everyone you meet knows something you don’t
  22. It is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission
  23. You can survive a long time on pancake mix and ramen noodles
  24. Never Quit
  25. You are responsible for you. Your current outcome is based on decisions you made in the past.
  26. Try to make someone laugh everyday( that a personal goal of mine)
  27. You can’t do everything alone; don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  28. If you want to go fast go alone; If you want to go far bring others with you.
  29. Make sure to call you Parents every week.

How Heavy is your Glass?

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.” It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!

Books that I highly recommend for your bookshelf.

This is a list of books that I have had the time to seat down and read and reread because there is so much useful information. Tons of gold nuggets of information in these books. These books will stay on my bookshelf and stay within arms reach. If you haven’t read any of these books I highly recommend them because they have helped improve my life.

CEO Strength Coach by Ron Mckeefery

CEO Strength Coach written by world renowned strength coach  Ron Mckeefery. Ron talks about his path in the strength and conditioning world. He also talks about the behind the scenes aspect on how to truly be a successful coach. This book doesn’t talk about training or training models he instead layout the administration process and what skills are needed to get a job, keep a job, and develop a network in the field. It’s a fantastic book a must read.

Easy Strength

Easy Strength is written by the famous Dan John & Pavel Tsatsouline.  Pavel, & Dan are pioneers in the world of training. In this book they talk about how to train athletes to improve all aspect of performance. The information is backed by research, but can be hard to read at first. Take your time to read this book. Great information, formatting needs some work.

Super training 

Warning Super training is worst than most college text books. If you read this book cover to cover you are a god among men. Now I consider Super Training the bible of strength and conditioning. It covers everything…..everything. Now the way I use this book is a reference book or if you have a question about a particular subject or just want to look up the facts. It compiles a vast amount of knowledge. Super Training is probably referenced more than any other book by far. It is a great book to have in your library.

Advances in Functional Training

The expert in functional fitness training Michael Boyle. This was the first book I read out of college. Boyle give you reason why he doesn’t back squat and why single leg training is superior than bilateral training. He also has the results to prove why his methods work. Great book on how you should view and train the body to get results and decrease your chances of injury while training.

Leaders eat Last  

Simon Sinek  teaches you about the role and responsibility of a leader. If you want to successfully manage and lead a group of people. Simon lays out the what, why, and how you need to go about becoming the best leader you can to help bring your team together. Great book on improving your leadership skills. Well written with lots of examples.

Anyways: The Paradoxical Commandments finding personal meaning in a crazy world

Written by Kent M. Keith back in the 1960s these commandments teach you how to deal with craziness that is life. Whenever I am feeling down. I like to read through the ten commandments and it helps pick my spirits back up.  Each commandment get there own chapter. Not a long read but just enough to help get you going again.

I hope that you take a chance and look at on or two of these books.

30 Books That Will Make You a Better Coach

Michael Boyle's Strengthcoach.com Blog

Terry Condon was nice enough to post this list of 30 Books That Will Make You a Better Coach. How many have you read. I’m only at 10.

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Don’t Stress The Could Haves

The Better Man Project

don't stress the could haves

Be here. Don’t be “there”…be here. Train your mind to waste no time in the land of “what if.” If you live there, you will spend your entire life not being here with the people who are here, the things you have, and the gifts you’ve been given. You will spend your entire life chasing an island you can never get to. Don’t live in “what if”…live in “what is.”

Discover what life coaching could do for you – aykme.com

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Why Discipline is better than Motivation

Motivation fades Discipline is forever

Getting and receiving motivation daily is a great way to start the day. It helps put you in a proper mindset for the day. Motivation help get the ball rolling for many is the hardest step. The only thing about Motivation is that it is feed of emotion. Some writers have said that emotion creates motion. That is true I will not deny that a lot has been accomplished when someone is either really angry or really happy.

The problem with emotions is that they come and go. The flee away and can change immediately based on events that happen in your life. For example you can had a terrible day at work and your boss chews you out about a problem that was not your fault. So you go to the gym to burn off some steam. The second before you begin tearing the gym up  you get a text/email/ or call  from your boss he apologizes for chewing you out. Now all that pent up emotion has been dissipated. Now you have this mediocre at best workout because you no longer have emotion driving you. Emotions are a double edge sword.

Discipline is what you need in your life. I look at discipline as rules that I have set in place that will not change no matter the circumstances. If I tell myself I will run intervals for 45 minutes. I will run intervals for 45 minutes period. I make a rule that I will eat protein and vegetables at every meal. You can look at my plate and see that I will be eating Meat and Veggies at every meal. Discipline can spread through many different areas of life such as: relationship, finances, nutrition, exercise, self-improvement, and social life.  Having discipline will help develop habits. Habits will create the person that you are today. Discipline does not rely on emotion. It is a separate entity that works regardless of your emotional state. If you had a wonderful day/ or your worst day you will still do what your suppose to do.

Discipline equals Freedom.